How to Get Big Biceps Fast

Standing Barbell Curl The is the real deal of bicep exercises this is used by people at all levels from extreme bodybuilders to amateurs to get big massive arms. Start by Standing with your feet a shoulder-width apart and hold a weighted barbell with both hands in an underhand grip. Let it hang in front of you at arm's length and make sure your elbows are tucked in and close to your torso at all times (important). Now you should, pull up the barbell by rotating only your arms, using the power from your biceps to do so until the barbell is at about shoulder level. Hold the contraction for a beat to maximize the effort, and then lower to the starting position. You should repeat for 4 sets of 8-12 reps Other quick tips on how to get big biceps fast How to get big biceps. You'll never have big biceps as long as you are skinny (under-weight). No matter how many biceps curls you do. To build bigger biceps, increase your overall muscle mass first by eating a lot (protein and carbs ...